An Indian giant squirrel is multicolored and can be up to 3 feet long.
Shark eggs are transparent
Chinese water deer look like vampires.
Baby elephants suck on their trunk, the same way human babies suck on their thumbs
Bearded vultures are the only birds that wear makeup — they purposely dye their white feather red with mud
Cows can’t bite because they don’t have top front teeth
The incisors of beavers are orange because they contain iron.
This is what an elephant’s tail looks like
Some kinds of 5-pointed starfish can be born square due to a genetic abnormality.
This is how big a whale skull is
This is what a platypus’ foot looks like
Penguins have knees
Some baby owls sleep like
Elephant foot vs Human foot, there’s almost no difference
Cats can’t taste sugar because their tongue doesn’t have sweet receptors.
Via Boromash