Empty Italian street rings out with song as people lean out of windows to sing together during coronavirus lockdown

The video is extraordinary – although if you don’t know the circumstances that it could be a regular video taken from a street at night. With some drunk people singing.

This is not the case as the video was shot in Italy,under the coronavirus lockdown.

Italy is the most infected country after China – and their citizens have to obey extra measures taken to fight the spread of the virus.

They are only allowed to leave their homes in case of emergency,emergency with their family, to buy food or for some of the special work which requires them to go out.

The Twitter user valemercurii @valemercurii posted the video above with the comment:
“People of my hometown Siena sing a popular song from their houses along an empty street to warm their heart during the Italian Covid-19 lockdown.”

The song featured above is typically used to express national pride. A folk song, it is called ‘Canto della Verbena’ (‘And While Siena Sleeps’). Per the Independent, it centers around the Piazza del Campo, the city’s main square, and it is usually sung by members of a contrada, the Middle Ages who supply the city’s troops.
