Review of the BMW X5

“Review of the BMW X5″,”


In the year 2000, BMW entered the world of SUV’s. The BMW X5 boasts the luxurious features that BMW are known for, with the added power and convenience of an SUV, or as they dubbed it, a sports utility vehicle. Since then the popularity of the BMW X5 has taken off.Some of the features of the BMW X5 include; 4.4L 8 cylinder, 282 hp engine and a 5 speed automatic transmission. These all help to ensure the high level of standards that the BMW brand is known for. The look and feel of this vehicle are why people keep coming back, with the comfort of a luxury Sedan and the power of a sports utility vehicle, the BMW X5 is a favorite among men and women alike.You know you are looking at quality when you hear some of what other BMW X5 owners are saying. “”It’s very quick and has excellent handling. It rides like a sports car but the view is much better.”” With all of the rude noises filtered out, driving in this car is like floating on a cloud. One of the best features of the BMW X5 is the ergonomics of it, so now you can drive in comfort and style. With standard antilock breaks, you can feel safe in knowing that you and your family are well taken care of. With all this good news, there are some features that may need some working on.With its cutting edge technology, you get a car that fits well in the 21st Century; however, there can be a downside to it. The engine is quit dependable, but when there are computer clichés they can be pricey. They also seem to have a sensitivity problem with the brakes. That being said, the brakes are powerful and effective, just don’t lead foot it. One other thing to consider is the fact that Consumer Reports states that there a danger of tipping over if you push the car too far. But, that is a common problem with most SUV’s. Like all things in life, this is a work in practice. The BMW X5 has gotten upgraded and improved upon each year since its inception. So, things like the steering wheel being a bit stiff when turning at parking lot speeds are sure to be altercated and fixed with coming models.If you are looking for a car that is luxurious, powerful and comes with a well-known name, than the BMW X5 may be the car for you. Just keep in mind, there are pluses and minuses to everything and with time improvement will come. But for now, if you purchase the BMW X5 you are getting a car that makes a statement. If you need the convenience of an SUV for carrying you children around, but you want to maintain a level of excellence in the look and feel of your car, than you can start by showing the world that BMW owners take safety seriously.
