Trail Runner Surprised as Herd of Sheep Tags Along Behind Her

Eleanor Scholz shares a captivating tale of encountering a bewildered trail runner during her solo hike in France, a moment that has captivated millions on social media. In her viral video, the jogger is trailed by hundreds of sheep, prompting Scholz to capture the enchanting scene.

As the jogger approached, sheep in tow, she paused to explain the curious situation to Scholz. According to her, the sheep seemed lost and, upon spotting her, deemed her their leader, faithfully following her every step. The jogger planned to guide the flock back to the pastures where their journey began, signaling the unexpected bond formed between a lone runner and her woolly entourage. Scholz’s post, titled “One of the Best Things I’ve Seen,” has sparked wonder and amusement across social media platforms.

